Col Conk Barber Shave Mug #116

Colonel Conk

Before the days of hot running water, a gentleman would heat water on the wood stove to prepare to shave. Once hot, the water was poured through the spout. The steam from the hot water warmed and softened the shave soap above. Today's version is more compact and hot water from the faucet works just fine. The holes allow the soap to drain. Easy to clean, just rinse with water and empty through spout. Off white shave mug with dark green barber decal (barber pole has red strips). Col. Conk 2.25 oz. soap included (scents will vary). Boxed.
Top diameter:2 1/2"
Bottom diameter: 2"
Depth: 1/2"
Height:3 1/4"
Length spout to handle: 5 3/4"
Made in USA
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